Club Training Is Back

June 6, 2020

With the relaxation of COVID-19 guidelines regarding group training limits, we are pleased that clubs are able to recommence training as from June 9. Groups of 20 players may now train on 1/2 field, with 1 coach (total 21 people).

Please carefully read the revised GHA Return to Play guidelines June 1 .

This document is an important part of our Return to Play process that we must adhere to. Contraventions of these requirements could lead to a second closure of the facility. It could also lead to your person,  people or Club being excluded if infractions are observed and especially if repeated.  This should not be seen as a threat. We have to be in compliance to retain our access.

Under the Recording of Attendance paragraph we have been deliberately non prescriptive as to what to use to record attendance. This is because we recognise the need for Clubs to have some flexibility in how they do their “bookings” for the training “events”. We are aware, and for very good reasons, that Clubs are using different booking/event applications including SignUp and  TeamApp ( 3 clubs have advised  to date).

We know that both of these app’s are capable of downloading a spreadsheet with your clubs booking/training information, or you may like to use the template that Emmaline Shand has produced –

Regardless of the way you record your attendance we need a spreadsheet. Emmaline Shand will be our COVID officer for the foreseeable future. Spreadsheets should be sent to Emmaline.

Check with your club for details of your training times and registration requirements.