HG Sharks Junior Trials – Breaking News!

February 7, 2024


Due to the low number of player nominations received at this stage, the selection trial planned for the HG Sharks Junior teams on Sunday February 11 has been CANCELLED.

The closing date for nominations has been EXTENDED to Monday February 19.

Teams are entered in:
🏑 U16 girls Shield, which is the highest level HV competition for that age
🏑 U14 girls and boys in Pennant competition
🏑 U16 boys in Pennant competition

The trial on Sunday February 25 will proceed as advertised from 8.30 to 10.30 am. Uniforms will be available to try on.

Get your nominations in and your friends’ too, and join the Sharks for 2024.

Any queries, please contact Nette Williams, HG Sharks Junior Co-Ordinator, 0419 590057