Summer Hockey
The summer hockey season for 2024/2025 will begin on October 15, with 9 weeks of competition prior to Christmas. All competitions will resume in February for the last 4 weeks of the season, making 13 weeks of hockey in total.
- Tuesday Nights: U12, U14, U17 at Stead Park
- Wednesday Nights: Senior Mixed at Stead Park
- Thursday Nights: U8, U10 & Mixed Masters at Stead Park
- Friday Nights: Friendly & Family at Stead Park
Summer hockey is the ideal time to #HaveAGo at hockey as the focus is on having fun while keeping active. The games are half field with 7 players per team, so it’s a great environment for those who are beginning their hockey experience, or for those who are returning to the game after some time away.
How can you join a team?
- Contact a club by visiting the Club Contacts Page
- Enquiries:
Summer Hockey Player Registration
All players participating in the GHA summer competition must have paid either:
- Hockey Victoria membership for 2024 OR
- Hockey Victoria Summer Levy. This fee provides insurance cover until 31/12/2024, and must be paid online via the registration portal for your affiliated club or via the Hockey Geelong portal. The 2024 fee is $57 for Under 18, $71 for adults.
Information for Teams and Team Managers
Team entries
Team entries are due by Sunday October 6. Submit your entry using this form.
Summer hockey Rules of Competition
Hockey Geelong Summer hockey rules
Players and umpires are reminded of the specific rules about no lifted balls and no hits or slap shots allowed.
Under 8 games are played on 1/4 size field, with 2 halves of 20 minutes and 5 minutes half time.
All other games are played on 1/2 pitch, with 2 halves of 25 minutes and 5 minutes half time. Teams may be responsible for putting out the dividing boards at the beginning of the game.
Coaches are permitted on the field in U8 and U10 games but should avoid obstructing the play.
A fully completed list of players should be submitted for each team entered BY SUNDAY OCTOBER 13.
Team Sheets
Print off team sheets for your team as needed.
Team sheets should be completed and signed by the umpires at the end of the game. Before dropping the sheet into the box in the clubrooms (next to the noticeboard), please scan the QR code above the box and upload a photo of the team sheet to our secure folder.
Summer Hockey Fixtures
Check the fixtures for all summer hockey competitions here…..
Summer Hockey Umpires
Each junior team is responsible for providing an umpire for their own game. Umpire payment is $20 for U10, U12, U14, U17 games.
Senior Mixed teams will be rostered to supply an umpire at the alternate game time. If your umpire is unavailable it is your responsibility to organise a replacement.
Umpire payment for Senior, Masters and Friday Family games is $25.
Summer Hockey Umpire Rosters
The umpires roster is available here.
Extreme Weather Policy
The Hockey Victoria Extreme Weather Policy will apply to all activities conducted by the Geelong Hockey Association.
Competition Co-ordinator/s
Cass Calder Email:
Peter Taylor Email:
Or Email: