Community Engagement Initiatives
GHA Community Engagement Car Wash Service at Stead Park
To improve community engagement the GHA will advertise for any member to offer a car wash service at a time that suits the providers. If any members are interested, they are to write a proposal to the executive outlining their reasons to undertake this paid employment. The car wash price would be set and be included in the proposal. Potential customers will be asked in polite manner if they wish for the car to be washed and state the price. The GHA would not receive any money for such and any washing equipment may be stored at Stead Park and provided at the providers’ cost. Advertising will be on the notice board in the clubrooms and on the website.
“The GHA offers the opportunity for any member to provide a car washing service for those attending Stead Park. The date and times will be outlined in a proposal to the GHA executive and be approved. Th GHA reserves the right to approve or not any proposal and provide suitable feedback. The GHA is not liable for any damage resulting in the provision of the car wash. The arrangement is between the provider and the client. The GHA also does not guarantee any quality of service and is not involved in any dispute that may arise. Suitable paperwork given the client by the provider will have such and require a client signature”.
GHA Proposal: Community Engagement, Display of Business Cards in Clubrooms and on Website
People associated with the GHA are encouraged to place their business card on the noticeboard in the clubrooms after approval by a member of the GHA executive. The executive member will pass the details on to the moderator of the GHA website to be published in the relevant section.
“The Geelong Hockey Association encourages people who have a relationship with our association to place their business card on the notice board in the clubrooms and on our website. A member of the current GHA executive needs to approve this. The GHA does not have a view nor endorse as to the quality of their work and/or services and are not held liable for such”.
GHA Proposal Community Engagement Tutoring at Stead Park
The GHA aims to improve community engagement and as such will advertise on the notice board in the clubrooms and on the website, the opportunity for members and other with a relationship to the GHA to offer academic tutoring for others who may request it.
The GHA facilities are able to be used at zero cost at a place within the main room of Stead Park within public view.
“The GHA encourages members and those who have a relationship with the GHA to offer academic tutoring in the main part of Stead Park within public view to those who seek it. The GHA does not endorse any person offering such services and will receive no payment for such. The GHA is not liable to any dispute that may occur and see this as a private matter between the two parties and any payment is a matter for the two parties”.