2020 Hockey Season Cancelled

August 3, 2020

Sadly, the 2020 winter hockey season has now come to an end.

Following the return to Stage 3 restrictions announced by Government and health authorities in an effort to curb the spread of COVID-19 and keep us all safe, community sport can not operate at present.

View the Premier’s statement on changes to restrictions for regional areas.

All Geelong Hockey Association matches and training programs are cancelled for the 2020 winter season, effective immediately.


In this very unusual season, it is pleasing to know that more than 500 members have either participated or intended to participate during 2020, and maintain their involvement with the Geelong hockey community. We thank each of you for your patience and your support.

Thanks to all the players, coaches, team managers, umpires, families and supporters. Your commitment to our sport and to sustaining our hockey community will help us to return strongly at the next opportunity.

Special thanks to all the officials and organisers, at Club level and at Association level. The guidance you have provided and the dedication to the welfare of our members has been outstanding.

What comes next?

We look forward to significant improvements in the containment of COVID-19, and a future return to being able to play hockey again. We hope to be able to offer a summer hockey season, beginning in mid-October.  In the intervening months, please stay active and healthy.


Check out these tips

Healthy eating during COVID-19 restrictions

Staying Active during COVID-19 restrictions

Looking After Your Mental Wellbeing

Where to get help.

It’s OK not to feel OK all the time, but please take time to care for yourself and seek support when needed.

Beyond Blue: https://coronavirus.beyondblue.org.au/i-am-supporting-others/children-and-young-people.html
Reach Out: https://au.reachout.com/explore-articles?page=1&tags=Coronavirus%20support,
Headspace: https://headspace.org.au/headspace-centres/geelong/
Kid’s helpline: https://kidshelpline.com.au/

See You In A Little While

The Geelong Hockey community is a strong and committed group, with a great love for our sport and many connections to others within the community. This will enable us to come back strongly when the time is right and it is safe to do so. We look forward to meeting you all again on the hockey field soon.